I. Introduction

A. Explanation of John Vervaeke's Meta-Theory of Cognition

B. Purpose of the Article

C. Personal anecdote or story that ties into the topic

D. Conclusion of section I: The importance of understanding Vervaeke's Meta-Theory of Cognition (4E + 4P/3R)


II. Combinatorial Explosion and the Meaning Crisis

A. Explanation of Combinatorial Explosion

B. Explanation of the Meaning Crisis

C. Importance of these concepts (Combinatorial Explosion and Meaning Crisis) in Cognitive Science and in answering questions of meaning in our contemporary world.

D. Examples of Combinatorial Explosion and Meaning Crisis in everyday life

E. Conclusion of section II from sections A B C and D titled "The necessity of understanding the significance of the Combinatorial Explosion and the Meaning Crisis".

F) definition of & brief explanation of "The Enlightenment Gap, HOW it relates to the meaning crisis


III. The 4Ps and 3Rs of Cognitive Science and Meaning


Brief bullet point list of the 4Ps:

1) participatory; 2) perspectival; 3) procedural; and 4) propositional with one sentence long definitions.


Academic Explanation of the 4Ps

1) participatory; 2) perspectival; 3) procedural; and 4) propositional.

A3. Lowbrow examples of the 4Ps

B1. Brief bullet point list of the 3Rs:

1) Relevance, 2) Realization, 3) Recursion with one sentence long definitions.


Academic explanation of the 3Rs:

1) Relevance, 2) Realization, 3) Recursion

B3. Lowbrow examples of the 3Rs

C. Concrete examples of the 4Ps and 3Rs in action

D. Conclusion of section III:

The importance of the 4Ps and 3Rs in Cognitive Science and understanding meaning.

IV. The 4E Approach to Cognitive Science

A. Bullet point list of the 4Es with single sentence descriptions

(Embodied, Embedded, Enacted, and Extended)

B. Explanation of Embodied Cognition, Embedded Cognition, Enacted Cognition, and Extended Cognition

C. Lowbrow examples of the 4Es

D. Examples of the 4E approach in everyday life

E. Conclusion of section IV: The importance of the 4E Approach to Cognitive Science.

V. The 4P/3R System

A. Explanation of the System

B. Importance of the System in Cognitive Science and in answering questions of the 'Meaning Crisis'.

C. Examples of the 4P/3R System in solving problems related to the Meaning Crisis

D. Conclusion of section V: The significance of the 4P/3R System in solving the Meaning Crisis.

VI. How 4P/3R Relates to 4E Cognitive Science

A. Explanation of the Relationship

B. Importance of Understanding the Relationship

C. How it relates to memetics and memes both online and "offline"

D. Summary of section VI's sections A and B as a model of the "4P/3R + 4E" Meta-Theory

E. Examples of how the 4P/3R + 4E Meta-System Theory can be applied to real-world problems

F. Conclusion of section VI: The importance of understanding the relationship between the 4P/3R System and 4E Cognitive Science.

VII. '4P/3R + 4E' Meta-Theory and philosophical concepts


How the "'4P/3R + 4E' Meta-Theory" Relates to the philosophical concepts of:

AA) Epistemology AB) Ontology AC) Justified True Belief AD) Presuppositions AE) Transcendental Argumentation AF) Teleology AG) Solipsism AH) Nihilism

B. Explanation of how the '4P/3R + 4E' Meta-Theory relates to each philosophical concept

C. Importance of understanding the philosophical implications of the theory

D. Conclusion of section VII: The significance of the relationship between the '4P/3R + 4E' Meta-Theory and philosophical concepts.

VIII. Criticisms and Limitations of Vervaeke's Meta-Theory and the 4P/3R + 4E Meta-System Framework.

A. Common criticisms of the theories

B. Limitations of the theories

C. Counterarguments or responses to criticisms and limitations

D. Conclusion of section VIII: The importance of acknowledging the criticisms and limitations of Vervaeke's Meta-Theory and the 4P/3R + 4E Meta-System Theory.

IX. Implications for Society

A. Discussion of how these theories could impact society at large

B. Potential benefits and drawbacks

C. Considering ethics

X. Contributing Thinkers of 4E and 4P/3R.

A. For the 4E approach:


For the 4Ps and 3Rs:

X. Conclusion

A. Recap of the Article

B. Importance of Understanding John Vervaeke's Meta-Theory and the 4P/3R + 4E Meta-System Theory.

C. How '4P/3R + 4E Meta-Theory' could 1) inform future research in Cognitive Science. 2) provide insights into the nature of human consciousness. 3) provide a scaffolding for collaborations between thinkers from different paradigms and teleologies with different presuppositions, to facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations & discussions / dialogos. 4) Inform educators and curriculum developers.